About Me

This blog should really be titled "Jenn on the Move" because we aren't by the sea anymore. I am a Christian mom who has two teens, a tween and a toddler. I love books and I love to share what I learn from them with my kids. Sometimes I make them read something that I found especially helpful. I am planning on spending some time reading some books for teens or tweens and making up questions or notes about these books so I can email them to my kiddos and have them use them as tools to better understand said books . . . Maybe your kiddos can benefit, too . . .

Monday, January 3, 2011

What We're Doing in Regards to Bible During 2011!

Goals for 2011 Bible Time with My Kiddos

So, we do family devos every morning before we start school.  In the past we have gone through devotional books, read selections from the Bible, etc.  We actually did Proverbs quite a bit this fall and I started to feel like I wanted to mix things up a bit.  So that is what this entry is all about. . .

This is a really rough plan.  I may chose to concentrate on Books of the Bible one day a week, and Bible Characters on another.  I’m just not sure how this will play out.

I do not have a time limit on this incomplete checklist, and I fully expect it to take on a life of its own as we work through the list . .

1.       Work on our Books of The Bible Literacy
a.       Make a Big Wall Hanging for the Books of the Bible
b.      Play Books of the Bible Bingo  ( Found here: http://www.livingwaterbiblegames.com/biblebooksbingo.html )
c.       Bible Drills with the Books of the Bible
d.      Make sure the kiddos look up and find the verses we are studying.  Show them how to use a concordance
e.       Sing the Books of the Bible song

2.      Go through A Kitchen Prayer ( can be found in my blog index).  Talk about what other titles could be bestowed on God.  ( Lord of all pots and pans and things)  Could we call Him “Lord of all our math books, and cursive pages?  Why, or why not?  Let the kiddos come up with their own titles for God.  Talk about the “ideal” ways most people think of when they think of spending time with God.   Show the kiddos how to find the story of Mary and Martha.  Have them read it out loud.  Discuss.  Find the stories about Jesus giving people food.  Read.  Discuss.  Talk about how we are to treat others.  Tell stories about people we know who have been helped.  Talk about people we know who have helped others.  Discuss how this is a win-win situation.

3.      Go through The Ordinary Day Dance (can be found in my blog index ) with the kiddos.  Have them take out certain phrases and substitute their own phrases, instead.  Maybe it could be The School Day Shimmy or something equally silly.  But THEY have to come up with their own word combination.  Have them write it up, or type it up for them, and decorate it.  Look up and define “gratitude.”  Talk about how happiness is a choice that we make each and every day.   Memorize I Corinthians 10:31:  And whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.  Talk with the kiddos about songs that are applicable to this theme.  You Tube them or look up the lyrics if you can’t remember them.  Sing them!  J

4.      On Gratitude.   Also, look up the word!  Either make art work with the word, or just write the definition out.  Light a candle.  Tell the kiddos that each time they look at the light, it should remind them of the “good things” in our lives.  Have the kiddos read and mark James 1: 17 in their Bibles.   Memorize this one by singing it to the tune of something like “Where is Thumbkin” or “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”  Remind them that if there is anything good about them, the credit goes to God.  Remind them to thank God for the gift He has given specifically to that child.   Go around the table of kiddos and have them come up with positive things about each other.  Give God the credit.  For example,  “I’m glad that God gave E the ability to make us all laugh.” Remember thank God for His gifts during the day’s prayer time.  Sing songs about thanks.  One great song is “Thank You, Lord”.  Another great song is “Give Thanks”.  Teach these songs to the kiddos if they don’t already know them.

5.      On Gratitude, Part Two.  Read through a book ( I am going to use Helen Keller’s Teacher by Margaret Davidson) and find examples of people who really changed or impacted other people in a very real and positive way.   If the kiddos are old enough, they will have Sunday School teachers, neighbors, Grandma and Grandpa, etc., to thank.  They can write thank you notes to these people.    I plan to write thank you notes to people who have really made a difference in MY life.  I may save them and mail them out to these people on their birthdays. 

6.      On Gratitude, Part Three.  Have the kiddos come up with a list of “Things we Have.”  We did this the other day.  Our list looks like this:  food, family, creativity, stuff, friends, God, a home, money, happiness, transportation, health, and our pet.  We are going to spend a little time every night at the dinner table with Daddy discussing what is unique and wonderful about our own personal list. 

7.      Stop, Drop and Roll!  ( can be found in blog index).  I am going to have the kiddos literally practice stopping, dropping and rolling.  I am going to talk to them about how fire is wonderful in some ways, but deadly in others.  The same is true of passion.  We can be passionate about what we love and this is WONDERFUL.   But if we let our passionate nature focus on anger, we can be super destructive.  Then we’ll look up the verses that go along with this topic and learn them. 

8.      Work on our Bible Character Literacy:
a.      Make Bible Character Go Fish cards out of index cards
b.      Read one of the Bible stories that goes with a Go Fish character each time you play the game
c.       Teach the kiddos how to find these stories in their Bibles so they begin to associate the characters with the part of the Bible they are found in.
d.      Make a Bible Timeline
e.       Play Bible Character Charades
f.        Obtain and play Bible Trivia with the kiddos

9.      Start a Bible Notebook
a.      Read the Bible Notebooking article found here: http://www.ignitethefire.com/fuel.html
b.      Create a Prayer section, a Songs section,  a Memory Verse section and whatever other sections that seem relevant
c.       There are Prayer Forms for Notebooking on this page http://homeschoolwithindexcards.com/Notebooking-Forms.html

And that's all there is for now.  There isn't any more . . .until next time!  Be well,

~ Jenn

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