About Me

This blog should really be titled "Jenn on the Move" because we aren't by the sea anymore. I am a Christian mom who has two teens, a tween and a toddler. I love books and I love to share what I learn from them with my kids. Sometimes I make them read something that I found especially helpful. I am planning on spending some time reading some books for teens or tweens and making up questions or notes about these books so I can email them to my kiddos and have them use them as tools to better understand said books . . . Maybe your kiddos can benefit, too . . .

Monday, December 27, 2010

The "Bad Day" Checklist / A Bit on God

The “Bad Day” Checklist

Ever have one of those mornings when you wake up and you wish, just wish, that you could close your eyes and go back to sleep ? But you just KNOW  that . . .ugh . . . it is time to get up. You couldn’t sleep, even if you wanted to . . . 

I have those mornings now and again. Yesterday I was thinking about how in the world to get through my day. I was that low. And I decided to make a list, so that the next time I wake up and feel like it is going to be a “BAD” Day, I won’t have to think so hard about what to do. . .

1. Eat something. Take my vitamins 
2. Allow self some downtime. For me, this usually consists of reading something mindless and enjoyable. 
3. Dress/Groom. For some reason, knowing that I look good enough to be seen in public makes me feel like I have it somewhat together, even if I am not leaving my house. 
4. Go to God. Matt 6:33. Actually, sometimes I can’t do this until after numbers 5 and 6. Sometimes I am too fragile or angry to really talk to God right away, first thing in the morning. I think He understands, though. 
5. Assess my “to-do” list. Do what is on the list. This occupies my mind and hands and keeps me from thinking only about “bad” stuff. It is good to put a walk or outing on this list, if possible.    I also like to clean SOMETHING on these days.   I live in a house full of children.  They are good kids, but we have not internalized picking up after ourselves ALL the time.  So that’s why I like to clean a bit. There  really is something about knowing that even if I feel like the world is a horrible, terrible, no good place . . .at least one place in my house looks clean and inviting.
6. Play upbeat music or listen to positive programming 
7. Repeat numbers 5 and 6 and when I can be suitably in control of my emotions, maybe call a friend and talk to them about normal “stuff”. This helps me to gain a bit of perspective. No, the world is not all “bad” and things are fine SOMEWHERE. Maybe, just maybe I will mention whatever it is that is bothering me, but I like to keep it concise. Otherwise I know I am depressing me AND my friend. I like to throw the conversation ball into my friend’s field and hopefully, make my friend feel better about HER life. Then I am not thinking of myself, and I am cheering someone else up. This is a win-win. 

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