About Me

This blog should really be titled "Jenn on the Move" because we aren't by the sea anymore. I am a Christian mom who has two teens, a tween and a toddler. I love books and I love to share what I learn from them with my kids. Sometimes I make them read something that I found especially helpful. I am planning on spending some time reading some books for teens or tweens and making up questions or notes about these books so I can email them to my kiddos and have them use them as tools to better understand said books . . . Maybe your kiddos can benefit, too . . .

Saturday, January 1, 2011

On Attitudes and the Adjusting Thereof / Lots about God

There are people who have this idea that we’re down in the islands sipping cool drinks on a hot beach, in a hammock.  Those people are WRONG.  (Not that we don’t have some awesome days!)

The fact is, this year has been filled with some very unpleasant interesting events . . . we’ve had problems with:

Basic Utilities
Poisonous Centipedes
RUDE, disagreeable service people
Scary Travelling Experiences
Money Shortages
Dying Garden Plants
Heart stopping alarms about the health of distant loved ones . . .

And the list could go on.  Somehow, when the big things happen, I usually go into calm mode.  I figure God will bail me out of the big stuff.  But sometimes, when the little stuff happens, I boil over.  I get so disagreeable that I have to get away from everybody.  You’ve heard about what to do if there is a fire, haven’t you?   Stop, Drop and Roll!  When the frustration in my heart boils into anger, I have to Stop, Drop and Roll, too!

I Stop the complaining  ( and acknowledge that I should not have a crummy attitude!)

Be still and know that I am God ~ Psalms 46:10

I Drop the problem directly in God’s capable lap. 

Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. ~ I Peter 5:7

And I Roll.  For me, this looks like figuring out what I SHOULD be doing, and then actually DOING it.  ( See my Ordinary Day entry for more on this)

And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business ~ I Thess 4:11

It turns out that I am not alone in this business of doing things I don’t mean to do now and again . . .

For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. ~ Romans 7:19

And because I’m a Mommy, and self-control and gratitude are some things that I’ve been thinking about lately, my kiddos are going to be hearing about these topics.   If you are interested in how I’m planning to teach these concepts to the kidlets, stop back  soon.

And now, Happy New Year to you!  Go out and enjoy your day.

~ Jenn

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